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Boronia Absolute Oil (Boronia Megastigma)

Boronia (Boronia Megastigma) Absolute Oil


Regular price $10.00 Sale

Boronia Absolute Oil 

HIGH ALTITUDE NATURALS™ Boronia Absolute Oil is extracted from Boronia Megastigma. It  has a fresh, spicy, fruit-like scent with a rich, floral undertone. It is a rare and precious essential oil, and is used in high-end perfumery.
Our Boronia Absolute is undiluted, unadulterated, without any additives. It is 100% PURE Boronia Megastigma flower extract.

Boronia Megastigma Essential Oil Absolute

Read these essential oils/absolutes use WARNINGS before purchase.

Boronia Megastigma Essential Oil Absolute

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