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Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) Oleoresin Extract Powder (20% Rosmarinic Acid) - Water Soluble

Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) Oleoresin Extract Powder (20% Rosmarinic Acid) - Water Soluble


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Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) Oleoresin Extract Powder (20% Rosmarinic Acid) - Water Soluble

  • Rosemary Oleoresin Extract Powder is extracted from Rosmarinus Officianalis plant, is standarized to contain 20% Rosmarinic Acid. It is an water-soluble, natural extract used to encourange antioxidant activity in natural products and also used on skin to fight free radical damage and improve the appearance of aging skin and skin's overall wellness. 
  • Rosemary extract's potent antioxidant properties are attributed in large part to Rosmarinic Acid and Carnosic acid, its major constituents. Additionally, Rosemary Oleoresin Extract contains Rosmaridiphenol, Carnosol, Rosmanol, and Rosmaridiquinone.
  • Rosemary Oleoresin Extract is added to cosmetic formulations as a mild natural preservative and antioxidant. Add up to 5% into creams, lotions, or mix with a favorite moisturizer before application for added antioxidant activity on skin. Pre-dilute in small amount of distilled water before adding to other products. 
Rosemary Oleoresin (ROE) Extract

Rosmarinic Acid Uses and Benefits

Rosmarinic acid, a natural compound found in rosemary, can help with skin elasticity, inflammation, and protection from UV radiation. 

Skin Benefits:

  • Anti-inflammatory: Can help with redness, swelling, and irritation from conditions like acne, rosacea, or eczema;
  • Antioxidant: Can protect skin from damage caused by UV radiation and reactive oxygen species; 
  • Collagen booster: Can help improve skin elasticity and firmness by increasing collagen production; 
  • Anti-aging: Can help reduce the effects of UV-mediated skin aging; 
  • Antimicrobial: Has antimicrobial properties; 
  • Anti-apoptotic: Can protect skin keratinocytes from apoptosis 

Rosmarinic Acid is also added to cosmetic formulations as a mild natural preservative and antioxidant. Pre-dilute in a small amount of distilled water and add up to 5% into creams, lotions, or other water-containing cosmetic product. 

Rosemary Oleoresin (ROE) Extract

  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) Oleoresin Extract Powder 
  • Standarized to 20% Rosmarinic Acid content
  • Solubility: Water
  • Antiaging, Antioxidant properties
Rosemary Oleoresin (ROE) Extract

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