HIGH ALTITUDE ORGANICS® Mimosa Floral Wax is a byproduct of Mimosa essential oil absolute production and is obtained from organically cultivated Acacia Mearnsii flower blossoms. Mimosa Floral Wax is of solid wax-like consistency at room temperature and corresponding brown-greenish color. It emits a mild Mimosa flower fragrance.
Where does the flower wax come from?
Plants naturally produce wax as a means to waterproof and protect the outer layers of their flowers, leaves and other aerial parts of the plants. Floral waxes are comprised of the natural wax and precious aromatic components that are present within fragrant flower blossoms and petals. No additional waxes or fragrances are added. During the production of Mimosa absolute oil, a solid, exquisitely aromatic concrete is created first. The floral concrete contains both the natural Mimosa aromatic constituents and the waxes of the Mimosa blossoms. When the absolute oil is removed, the remaining solid is – natural Mimosa Floral Wax (Acacia Mearnsii wax) sold here.
The natural Mimosa Floral Wax is often utilized in candles, aromatic melts, and solid perfumes, because it retains the beautiful fragrance of Mimosa flowers. The Mimosa Floral Wax is natural and has soothing and softening properties for the skin when used in skin care, such as creams, lotions, balms, hair conditioning products, etc.

Mimosa Benefits
Mimosa oil (Acacia Mearnsii) is known to be long used in therapeutic preparations, cosmetics, massage, bath, skin care, and perfumery.
Mimosa oil (Acacia Mearnsii) has shown to help with the discomfort, inflammation, and skin irritations, as well as improve dry skin issues.
Our Mimosa Floral Wax makes an exquisite aromatic addition and thickener for natural solid perfumes, balms, creams and other solid and semi-solid formulations. It is an ideal vegan substitute in formulations that call for beeswax.
The natural Mimosa plant wax retains many of the Acacia Mearnsii essential properties and, when incorporated in cosmetics, has soothing and softening effect on the skin. Our natural Mimosa wax can be used in cosmetic formulations in lue or in addition to other waxes in the oil base of a formulation to produce creams, lotions, balms, hair conditioning products, etc.
Acacia Mearnsii Floral Wax is well suited for the following personal care ppplications:
- Skin Care
- Hair Care
- Cosmetics
- Personal Wellness
- Aromatherapy
- Perfumery
- Candle-making
- Soap-making
- Etc.

Acacia Mearnsii Floral Wax is well suited for the following personal care ppplications:
- Skin Care
- Hair Care
- Cosmetics
- Personal Wellness
- Aromatherapy
- Perfumery
- Candle-making
- Soap-making
- Etc.

Recommended Usage Rate:
Origin: India
INCI: Acacia Mearnsii (Mimosa) Floral Wax
Extraction Method: Acacia Mearnsii Floral concrete is washed and chilled to precipitate floral wax
Shelf Life: 2 Years